Thursday, October 28, 2010


Ahhh, it feels so good, today I am back in the swing of things. Feeling a bit more rested and mentally better too. I had a great practice. A little short but overall nothing to complain of. Some days primary series feels so good. I have been working on my "float" and I got a few good lands today which was inspiring. I grabbed my wrist in Marichasana D! My Kurmasana is still weak but it's better. I am down two pounds which helps. I have a pain in my hips that is annoying me some so I did Utthita Parsvasahita and Navasana for only 3 breaths today. 
When I went up into Urdhva Dhanurasana I felt a pinch in my left shoulder. At first I thought, "oh no, I have done it, I have truly hurt myself!" and then I thought, "relax, breath, come down and up again". I did it, I relaxed. Then, I came up for my third Urdhva Dhanurasana and the pinch was gone. Magic. 

I have been reading Guruji by Guy Donahaye and Eddie Stern and I just love it. I am skipping around through the chapters. Last night I read Tomas Zorzo's chapter. The way he speaks of the practice as he has experienced it resonates with me. A quote, "Some people are advanced because they are flexible. Some will find difficult asanas impossible because of age or for other reasons. But everyone can feel the same. It does not matter how advanced you are, if your practice is correct, if your breathing is correct, you can be an old man or a cripple and you can still be in touch with this prana." 

I love this. We are free. If we can concentrate on the breath, the prana, and not on the next pose we have freedom. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yin Yoga

I love the difference in the way I feel (during &) after a yin yoga class from the way I feel (during &) after my Ashtanga yoga practice. It is over and I am relaxed, not sweaty, ready for a quiet evening doing homework and dinner with my hunnie.  It's the perfect Sunday evening activity. 
Some of the poses do stretch enough to cause soreness and a little pain. Not sharp pain or lasting pain that would be bad, of course. It feels so lovely to stretch my side body and parts of me that are used but not thought of during the week, like my ankles. The yin teacher is passionate about this style of yoga, she is a great teacher for it because she believes in it. Of course when someone isn't bs-ing their way through a class it is noticeable and always better. 

I'm off to finish my maths.